Thursday, 5 July 2012

The Underhanded

I first met the Underhanded at the Anglesea music festival two or three years ago, back then they were just 15 or 16 year old kids going crazy on stage and makin their music as loud and as raw as possible . I sure didn’t know what to expect when I walked into their tiny, barely soundproof practice shed.

 For a bunch of 18 year olds, not even out of high school, these guys really had their shit together. I found myself nodding and tapping along to music that I can only describe as what felt like a combination of Dead Meadow and Black Sabbath.

After a few songs, we moved outside to shoot some photos and conduct what I guess was an interview but was really me just reading some questions off a piece of paper and hoping the guys could come up with the hilarious responses that would make for good reading.  We’ll let you decide that.

Me: Okay guys, I’ve got a few questions as well, so…yeah.

*at this point the boys had just finished climbing a tree

The Underhanded: sounds cool, lets do it.

Me: Where did this band come from? You guys all go to school together right?
T U: Well Cory was playing a lot of guitar and wanted to get a band together, so it really went from there pretty much.
* One of the guys then proceeded to quote something that sound really deep and meaningful that turned out to be from ‘Gangster Gumby’

Me: So once you started the band what kinda inspirations did you have? What inspirations do you have now?
T U: Well, I think we all watch the promo video on youtube for the new Tame Impala album about 10 times a day and when we first started we were all about ALMACKNJACK, also King Gizz, they’re awesome, but we don’t sound like them at all, they’re just awesome and Dead Meadow, we had a moment with them at the Nash once, while Doolan was greening out in the toilet.

Me: Right, so you guys all have special powers right? What kinda powers are we talking here?
T U: Well Ian has laser vision, sometimes stoner vision. Cory has fingers of fire, for guitar play. Doolan has single child ability, otherwise known as barrel scrapin’ ability and Jarrah eats easy mac.

Me: Very interesting, these all seem like valid powers to become the world’s next superband, might even help you guys get a bigger couch.
*The couch was really quite small
T U:
We really do need a bigger couch.

Okay, so I gotta know, who is Walt and why do you want to fuck him?
T U: Walt is this fuck who moved to N.S.W to smoke weed and go to court, FUCK WALT.
*for all FUCK WALT related items please refer too

Me: Have you guys got a favourite gig or venue that you’ve played?
T U: Well, we really like the Brunswick hotel, we’re playing their soon and our favourite gig was probably the first Anglesea music festival we played, that was heaps of fun.
*I was shooting at that festival and can vouch for the fun-ness the boys are referring to here, by the end of their set the crowd had invaded the stage in some sort of coastal dancing orgy.

Me: So what can the general public expect from you guys in the near future? Gigs or ep releases?
T U: We’ve got a gig at the Brunswick hotel next Friday, so everyone should come to that, and we’re playing at the Fort on August 10th but don’t go to that.

Me: Sounds dope, okay time to wrap this up, quick! What are you favourite things ever?
T U: Ian: Grand Theft Auto *Not sure if he meant the game or the crime
Doolan: Being a dick, it’s really fun
Jarrah: Masturbation
Cory: Fuck Walt.

Note: This interview may or may not have ended with Jarrah having a small piece of tree stuck in his eye.




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